crys-01 Chapter One Crystal is a little girl who lives next door and I'd guess you'd say we always got along well. Her dad and I were the best of friends as she grew up as were her mom and my wife so I guess it was only natural that she came to look at us as her "other parents." In fact, there were times I almost thought that she was our kid instead of our neighbors. The fact that we have no children of our own more or less made that even more so. We'd been neighbors for almost 15 years and my wife and I were the first ones called after Crystal was born 13 years ago. As she grew up, we'd always invite her to go with us to the park or to the shore anytime we went. More often than not, she took us up on our offer. As I said, she almost was like our kid. That is until recently. Over the past year or so, Crystal has started to develop into something of quite a knockout. It seemed that, more and more, whenever I looked at her I began to feel a desire inside of me that I really didn't know existed. I'd never been turned on by young girls before this and felt almost embarrassed to be looking so longingly at this 13 year olds body. My wife noticed to and took to calling me a "dirty old man" and mentioning "jailbait." Of course she was just joking. I wasn't. I guess where I got myself into trouble with this whole ordeal (if you want to call what happened trouble...I guess more of "potential trouble" would be the word) was about two months ago. As usual, as the weather has begun to warm up, I've started frequenting our backyard pool more and more. Ours is the only in-ground pool in the neighborhood and, with our like of children, it isn't unusual for me to be joined by five or six kids within minutes of my getting in. One day it was different though. I had been in the pool for about five minutes when Crystal came running across the yard. She was wearing a tiny two piece suit that stretched across her developing body. As she approached the pool with her normal wide-eyed smile I felt myself coming on with a huge erection. I kind of half turned away from her, glad that I was more than waist deep in water. "Hi," she shouted as she walked to the edge of the deep end. "Is it OK?" "Sure," I answered with a slightly shaky voice, "always is." With that, her body flexed into a diving motion and she seemed suspended in air, her tight body shining in the sun. In an instant she splashed into the water. I watched as she swam under water towards me. I was still in the midst of a raging hard-on and I quickly moved to the side of the pool. Pulling myself up, I sat down on the side and half crossed my legs. Watching me from underwater, Crystal swam right up to me and came to the surface. That smile....always that smile. Resting her arms on my legs she asked how I was doing. "Just fine," I replied, "how 'bout you?" "Oh, I'm bored," she answered, never releasing eye contact. "My mom and dad are out shopping and there is nothing at all to do." "Well, you're here aren't you?" I asked. "Isn't this something?" Somehow I was glad that my wife was also gone for the afternoon. I felt incredibly turned on to be here with this gorgeous (perhaps gorgeous is too strong a word, maybe it should be potentially gorgeous) teen. With that, she got this devilish look in her eyes and, in a quick motion, pulled at both my legs, dumping me into the water. Struggling a little to regain my feet, I grabbed at her body and caught her arm pulling her under the surface with me. Pushing and kicking, she struggled to break free of me. I released her, thinking that she would back away. Instead she jumped on me and grabbed my head in her arms. She obviously was trying to use leverage to push my head back under the water but, from my side, she was shoving that developing teenage chest into my face. It was almost more than I could stand. Without a great deal more of trouble I simply stood up. Crystal hung onto me as I did and I came to my feet with this teens soft chest rubbing at my face. (I'm glad that the water we were in was over my waist because I had developed an incredibly big erection.) Grabbing the youngster around her thin waist, I tugged her away and literally tossed her across the pool. Again though, instead of backing away, she came right back at me. This time though she straddled my hips and hung there, gazing into my eyes. She could obviously feel my cock pressing against her bottom as she hung there because she squirmed against me. Without saying a word to her, I went for it. I leaned my head forward and softly kissed her tender lips. Much to my surprise, this 13 year old body aggressively responded. Her return kiss didn't seem to me to be the kiss of a virginal youngster. Instead, I felt her tongue probing against my mouth. As she laid it on me I felt her press harder and harder against my cock with her slender bottom. I nearly lost it right there. It suddenly occurred to me that I was standing waist deep in a pool, hugging and kissing a 13 year old child, in the full view of the entire world. "Let's go inside," I whispered into my youngster's ear. "OK," was the response in a delightfully childlike voice. She immediately slid from me and moved to the edge of the pool. Lifting herself out, I watched that slender body slide up and out. I was standing there admiring her fine features when she asked me what I was waiting for. (Actually, I was hoping against hope that the swelling below my waist would reduce before getting out.) I finally got out of the water and we walked across the yard into the house. No sooner were we in the house that this young vixen was all over me. We stood in the kitchen, making out like a couple of young teenagers. The though kept running through my mind though that I wasn't a teenager and that I was looking at serious trouble if I got caught. I was already in too deep by now though. Standing there kissing this youngster I ran my hands over her back and bottom, letting my fingers feel the crack of her ass through the wet bathing suit she wore. Much to my amazement, Crystal continued to pursue my advances. After a few moments, I moved my hands up her back and undid her bathing suit top. Without a shred of embarrassment, my blonde wonder stepped back and let the small piece of material slide down her arms and off onto the floor. Her breasts were just developing and were really not much more than enlarged bumps. Contrasting with her blonde hair, her nipples were actually on the dark side, small and taut with tiny pencil erasers for tips. I reached forward slightly and took them in my hands. Crystal just stood there and closed her eyes. A slight shiver came across her as I slid my thumbs across the tender nipples. I looked at her angelic face and wondered again to myself just what I was getting myself into here. I was standing with a girl who was only thirteen. I knew what kind of trouble could come out of this but I decided I didn't care. With that I swept her up into my arms (it was quite easy, she couldn't have weighed 80 pounds) and carried her into the bedroom. Once there I let her down to a standing position by the bed. Softly I kissed her lips and I again became aware that this child was actively seeking me. This time though, when her tongue probed, I let it easily slip between my lips. This kid kissed like a pro and had obviously practiced before. As we embraced I slid my hands down under the material of her swimsuit bottom and slowly slid them down her legs. She stepped out of them and I stood back to briefly gaze on this barely teen body. My eyes came to rest on that slit between her legs that was clearly visible with just a slight covering of hair. She was obviously just beginning to mature. It was just then that I heard a car door close in my driveway. We stared at each other in disbelief as we heard the voices of two of my friends coming towards the backdoor. Quickly, I told my young lover to get dressed and get out the front door. She grabbed my hand and kissed it in an incredibly tender motion. "We'll be together again kid," I whispered to her. "I promise that." Without saying a word, my tender child slid back into her suit and ran out the front door just as I heard the knock at the back door.